Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Juice Diet Is Very Healthy. Want To Know Why?

1. Carrot - is a perfect source of provitamin A. You can mix carrots with greens, beets, daikon, and celery. Occasionally people will toss in cucumbers. It is necessary to drinc carrot juice with cream. Cream helps provitamin A to be digested.

2. Beets - considered a blood builder/blood purifier. It is a powerful cleanser. Do not drink this alone. You should mix it with greens, celery, and daikon or carrots. It is important to note tat beet juice can color your bowels movement.

3. Celery - you should use this in small amounts although very tasty it is also high in sodium.

4. Zucchini Squash - you will love eating this raw and it is also tasty when it is juiced.

5. Cabbage - cabbage juice tastes good mixed with other vegetables. Cabbage juice was used by Dr. Garnett Cheney, M.D. to cure his patients of peptic ulcers. They drank it daily and were cured in half the time. The American Cancer Society has been urging people to eat more cruciferous vegetables (cabbage, broccoli) because of their protective effects against cancer.


There are many ways of skin tightening. Different dermatologists use different metods. There are also many products you can use at home now that result in minimal skin tightening if you can't seek the services of a doctor. The methods range from lotions containing a variety of vitamins and anti-oxidants and collagen producing boosters to invasive procedures like cosmetic surgery.

Skin Tightening
We should use skin tightening creams throughout your lifetime. But at some point, no matter you use them or not, years will catch up with your skin. Damage from sun exposure and natural aging results in a breakdown of collagen which is what gives our skin its soft and plump look. As the amount of collagen is reduced, the skin begins to sag. At that point, you may need to seek one of the other ways of skin tightening.

Of course, the most radical way is cosmetic surgery. But it is quite unnaturally and can have more disadvantages than advantages.

Many natural products from your kitchen can do amazing things for your skin. Check out these homemade skin-care ideas:

* For a skin-tightening mask for normal and oily skin, whip an egg white, apply to the face, and allow to dry. Rinse off after twenty minutes. Avoid this treatment on dry skin, where it may be too harsh.

* Peel a cucumber and whip it up with 2 egg whites. Add one teaspoon of lemon juice, two tablespoons of brandy and half a teaspoon of ground mint optionally. In case the mixture is watery, add some Kaolin (white clay) to the extent that the mixture turns thick. Make a generous application of the paste on the areas with large pores and leave it on for twenty minutes. Rinse off with warm water.

* 1 Ripe peach, 1 egg White
Mash 1 fully ripe peach. Whisk egg white and mix it with the mashed peach. Apply the paste on your face and keep it for 20 min. Rinse off with cold water to get firmer and tighter skin.

* Break an egg into a small mixing bowl, and whisk it until it's frothy. Stir in the sweet almond oil or sunflower oil, cornstarch, sea salt, pure honey and cream or milk, and mix until the ingredients are completely incorporated. Smooth the mixture on your face and neck. Apply it in a circular motion, beginning at the neck and working up. Allow the skin-tightening facial to remain on your face for ten to fifteen min. and rinse it with cool water.

* 1 egg white, 1-2 teaspoon powdered milk
Whip the egg white (using a fork). Mix both ingredients in a bowl properly. Apply onto skin. Leave on for ten min (your face will feel tight as the mask dries). Rinse off with cold water.

Use one of recipes at least twice a week.


Laces in Gothic style, the coat-cocoon, sheepskin jackets this is not a full list of fashionable things of this season Autumn-Winter 2008/2009. Checkered fabric has to become an integral part of your clothes this season!

Podiums and fashionable magazines are full of models of checkered clothes. The checkered drawing brings up an association with a woollen plaid, the Scottish skirt or far 70-s', Now it is presented in the extremely elegant models. Besides, checkered clothes stand out against a background of dark fall and winter colours.

The combinations of black and red, and checkered with monophonic are very fashionable. However, you can combine different types of checks. But one should be brighter in colour than the other one.

In spite of the fact that this trend is on popularity peak now, you shouldn't forget about some important rules, applicable to this colouring. Do not go too far in brightness. Otherwise you risk to look like a clown, instead of the fashion admirer. It is better to choose muffled and not so bright colours, for example a classical black-and-white or brown check, grey or plam colouring as we we see in the autumn collection from House of Holland.

Pret-Á-Porter : 1. Missoni 2. BALENCIAGA


Thursday, September 25, 2008


To go far in losing weiht JUST CHANGE YOUR WAY OF THINKING and you will succeed in it.

Put your hands up who ended another hard week at work with a takeaway, or mended a broken heart with a tub of Häagen-Dazs? I think all of us do that.

We are wired to eat more through hard times, say Sandy Newbigging and Amanda Hamilton, authors of the new book, Life-Changing Weight Loss.

“Research has shown that negative thought patterns are hundred % responsible for overeating,” says Amanda.

“Simple self-analysis will free you from the thinking that is behind your expanding waistline.”

So here is a brain detox that will help you beat overeating for good.


Can not shift the pounds, doesn't matter what you do? It could be because you are telling yourself to hold on to the weight. Loopy as it sounds, you can actually think your body fat.

“Studies have proven that your mind has the power to make your body believe what it is told,” explains Sandy. “So if you think you are doomed to be overweight always, that is exactly what you will be.”

Time to find out what you are saying to yourself – score out of ten how much you agree with the following statements:

1 I have a slow metabolism
2 I can not lose weight easily
3 It is impossible to lose weight
4 Losing weight requires hard work
5 I am this weight naturally

Now look at the statement that you scored most highly. This is the negative thought that’s stopping you losing weight.


Finding your negative thoughts is the 1st step. The 2nd is to explore the real reason you overeat. Take a few minutes to write down the 5 things that have most upset you in your life.

It does not matter what they are – be it a death in the family or being dumped when you were 13 – it is how you feel about them now that counts.


Now, note which event coincided with you first gaining weight. Think about how you felt then create a simple sentence like: “I felt vulnerable without Grandma,” or “I felt rejected by Steve.” This is the reason why you overeat.


Now you ave established the negative thinking that is holding you back and the events in your past that have led you to comfort eat, you are set to say overeating goodbye for good.

Why? Because by facing up to your emotions, you are halfway there. To completely escape negative memories, however, you have to try this 5-minute task.
task. Fill in the following sentence:

I am not in control of my eating habits because................................

(fill in with the negative sentence you gave the highest score to in part one, or a painful memory that you identified triggered your weight gain in part two).

Read the next sentence aloud, and score how unhappy it makes you feel every time.

I rate my unhappiness about................................ out of ten. But even though I felt like that before, I deeply and completely love and accept myself.

According to Sandy and Amanda, the more times you do it, the lower your grading will be – freeing you from the negative thoughts.


Now it is time to up the ante on positive thinking by creating the ultimate reminder of just how fantastic you really are!

The more you love your body, the more you will nourish yourself with healthy, low-fat foods. It sounds unlikely but it really is proven! Use the following suggestions to make a sentence that fits you.

I AM A... a healthy, happy, loving, beautiful, funny, kind, creative, wise... mother, lover, friend, listener, wife, teacher...

I WANT TO BE SOMEONE WHO... loves myself, gets results, laughs, motivates, lives a healthy lifestyle.

Now say it out loud, every day, and be prepared to see your happiness soar, as well as your motivation to get and stay in shape.

Thursday, September 18, 2008


It's not a secret that every self-respecting celebrity has a personal stylist (or even a grope of stylists) who will never let his client to make a mistake in anything that concerns the public image. They always have a whole arsenal of devices that helps to hide appearance and dress defects. And one of those devises is Invisibelt.

The Invisibelt is already must-have on fashion shows and red carpets. The belt is transparent, invisible under clothes, it helps to narrow a silhouette and makes it more gracefully and is more womanly.

Kathy Kramer, the former editor of a fashionable magazine, is a creator of this magic belt. She sais:"I have a slender waist, but wide hips. I have invented Invisibelt for myself. Because even when I put a belt on my jeans, it looked not so good under my top ".

It seems like Hollywood stars have the same problems: it's true that every woman dreams about a wasp waist and trousers sitting perfectly on the figure. Among the celebrities which have taken advantage of the novelty, are Beyonce and Halle Berry. As you can see there is not the slightest defect!


Funky Face-Mask Formula (homemade cosmetics):

1) Mix a 1/4 cup of powdered clay with,
2) 3 teaspoons of corn starch.
3) Then mix in a blend of:
herbs like jasmine, peppermint or calendula. (About three teaspoons total per 1/4 cup.)
Essential oils like lavender, sandalwood or tea tree. (About 8 drops total per 1/4 cup)
For oily skin - add 4 teaspoons of Brewers Yeast.
For dry skin - add 4 teaspoons of sweet almond or jojoba oil.
4) Add enough water to form a paste.
5) And your done!

If you just want to make a little bit at a time, just reduce the quantities of each ingredient accordingly.

Mix These Materials To Make Your Own Lip-Gloss:

1) 1/4 cup and 2 tablespoons of sweet almond oil.
2) 4 tablespoons of grated beaswax.
3) 1 tablespoon honey.
4) 6 capsules pure vitamin E oil.
5) 1/4 teaspoon cocoa butter.
6) 2/3 drops essential oil (peppermint or sweet birch are nice.)

Just mix all the stuff together and scoop the goop into some 1/2 ounce tins which you can buy at a craft or dollar store. And c'est fini!


Funky face-masks, smashing soap and lovely lip-glosses are awesome products but they can be really expensive. If you are not afraid to get your hands dirty, we have an easy way for you to get the goods this season without the high costs. Besides you never know if the ingredients mentioned on the packing of your favourite cosmetics are really safe and useful for your health. So making cosmetics by yourself is a quality guarantee.

You can make all these products at home if you have the right ingredients. These recipes are easy and cheap to make... and make rad gifts for your friends.
Follow these directions to make some dope soap:

- Bars of natural fragrance or color free soap
- Essential oils of your choice (rose, lavender and jasmine work well)
- Food coloring
- Vitamin E Oil (Optional)
- Almond Oil
- Oats

1) Grate soap in a blender or food processor.
2) Boil a pot of water and put a glass bowl over the pot, (like a double boiler.)
3) Add some almond oil into the bowl.
4) Add the soap into the bowl.
5) Take the water from the pot and add it into the bowl until soap changes into paste.
6) Add oils, color, and vitamin E as desired.
7) Let cool in molds of your choice. You can use anything for a mold - ice cube trays, cookie cutters or your own hand.
(To make hand soap, flatten soap paste to approximately 1/4 inch. Trace your hand on to the surface of the paste and mold accordingly. Finish by writing "hand soap.")
8) Air out on wax paper for a day or two.

Experiment! Make different shapes of soap or do not mix the color all the way in. Oats are great for exfoliating. Lavender pieces and rose petals can sometimes mold or rot if you do not air the soap out properly, so be careful. Your utensils should not be used for food afterwards but if you need to, wash very thoroughly.


Natural Skin Care - Just Look Into Your Kitchen

Safer, less expensive, and easy-to-use natural skin care can be as easy as opening your kitchen cabinet, coupled with a few minutes of preparation.

Healthy, radiant, glowing skin is something woman person wants. Yet, few of us even think to use what is really the best for the skin: natural skin care products.

Each year, millions of dollars are spent chasing after perfectly healthy, ageless skin. The stress, environment, and less than healthy eating habits, all play a major role in the quality of your skin.

The answers to achieving radiant, glowing complexion are within arm's reach. Many of the items in your kitchen right now can provide natural skin care that's even better thank those expensive, chemical filled products that cost an arm and a leg.

Skin Care Throughout Life

From the day of our birth, our skin requires much care to remain smooth and healthy. It begins with soap to keep us clean. Then, there are powders, creams, and ointments to keep diaper rash from our bottoms. During the 1st few years of our lives, our skin will do well with soap for cleaning and the occasional lotion or cream for moisture. Then come the teen years. Our raging hormones bring out the oily skin, the pimples, and a host of other conditions.
It is important to understand that everything that comes in contact with our body affects our health and the condition of our skin. That is why choosing natural skin care products and ingredients is important. The liver filters the toxins and poisons from the food we eat, but whatever we place on our skin is directly absorbed. This includes lotions, deodorant, gels, cleansers, toners, perfumes, make-up, and more.
As we age, our skin becomes more sensitive, and we need to be even more careful with the beauty treatments we use.

Simple Solutions for Better Skin

Here are a just a few natural skin care solutions for you to try. You'll be very pleased with the results:
- Once a week, rub your skin with baking soda while in the shower, for a silky, smooth feeling. You can also do this on your face to remove black heads.
- For a great moisturizer try olive oil: this healthy fat is good for you, and is great for your skin. You can also use it to soothe sunburned skin.
- Fresh tomatoes are great for the oily areas of your face. (but your skin may be sensitive to it, so try it on your arms first). Rinse thoroughly immediately after using the tomato juice.
- Egg yolk mixed with honey makes for a really great mask: put on your skin, leave it on for 20 minutes, and rinse off. Excellent for sensitive skin. Honey gives a tingling/ticklish sensation, so if you are sensitive to that, use the egg yolk alone.
- Vinegar can work wonders for smelly feet and armpits. Mix water and vinegar 50/50, and use in place of deodorant: it will keep the unpleasant sweat smell away, without any irritation. As for your feet, if you suffer with athlete's foot, a week of vinegar foot bath will help a lot, sometimes completely getting rid of your condition.
- A great treatment for dry skin is avocado: mash it, smooth it onto your face, and rinse off after twenty minutes.
- Another use for egg yolk: for those with eczema, use it instead of soap. It does not smell very good, but it will heal your damaged skin.

Lastly, make sure you drink 8 glasses of water every day to keep your skin cared from the inside out.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008


Do you like massive bijouterie like Rihanna does?

And what do you think about huge "rings-earrings"? But one thing is to put on massive and bright ornaments to a awards party (as our celebrities do), and absolutely another thing is an ability to wear big bijouterie in the afternoon.

On the other hand, the summer is the best season to sparkle with a massive fingerring, the earrings, a set of bracelets put on at once or a large beads.

If you are nevertheless a true admirer of massive bijouterie, and huge earrings (rings) then these advices will be useful for you.:

Earrings made of gold or silver look perfectly with décolleté dress and with bared shoulders and neck. As there is no a big variety of earring designs purchasing ones pay attention to the texture and the material your rings are made of. And of course pay attention to weight of your bijouterie, be careful with your ear-laps, don't let them be tired. It is better when your earrings are hollow inside. Choose bracelets of the same colour and style and you will look magnificent at any party!

How To Make Your Legs Longer and Seem Taller Visually

The most of us wish to seem taller at any cost. At least a couple of centimetres. You can achieve it by means of small cunnings.

Probably, something is well known to you: for example, clothes, panty hose and footwear of the similar colour. However it is not always practical and defensible. Fashion experts advise to use other receptions.

Choose dresses with an overestimated waist and a free skirt. The hem should be a little lower or little above a knee. You should to refuse of fitting dresses and hipsters.

Do not put on short trousers at all: they will visually "cut" your feet.

Choose open-toe sandals with high heels: this is a universal remedy. However you should avoid belts on an anklebone: it is better to keep your heels opened.

You have every reason to wear short shorts, but it is necessary to choose not so fitting model without a high waistline.

Forget about short tops, opening your stomach. They visually extend the top part of your body, making your legs look shorter. Put on a long fitting T-shirt instead of them, it is desirable that it has pin tucks on a breast. Wear trousers with traditional waist (not hipsters and not high waistline), and watch that they were not too fitting.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Style Lessons. Oliver Twist.

Short shorts, sleeveless jacket and rough leather shoes. Don't be afraid to alternate feminity with hooliganism, sometimes it is very useful.

Certainly, everybody remembers the story about a little boy who remains in cold and gloomy streets of London of the XIX-th century. We know this story from our childhood. We remember, how we got to the past just closing our eyes for a moment, we got back to a hundred years ago where people were wearing short trousers, a checkered shirt and a woolen cap, went with Oliver Twist and his friends on searches of new adventures. We have to urgently re-read Dickens this season, the history repeats again.

1. Chemise D&G 2. Shorts Fornarina

3. Sleeveless pullover Gas 4. Shoes Rocco P

5. Cap Gas 6. Breeches Kenzo

7. Bracelet Louis Vuitton 8. Bag Borbonese 9. Pants Paul & Joe

10. Cross Dior Joallerie 11. Jacket Hiro Sawatari

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Dress-code Footwear 2008. The Last Tendencies.

Womanly, coquettish, but very self-sufficient – that is the type of the woman that leading designers on fashion shows want to see this season. That concerns footwear as well. Here are the newest trends in the world of lady's boots and shoes. The most fashionable footwear of Fall 2008.

Must have of this season are shoes. They have rushed into the world of fashion and are not going to concede to anything. At least till the time close fit skirts and ultrafitting trousers are at the top of popularity. Extravagant, casting violet on light, from Max Mara, or varnished black from Lanvin, reflecting flashes of cameras clicking around you. And maybe, irreproachably white, presented in firm boutiques such as Calvin Klein and Balenciaga. Choose those modern shoes and your image will be extremely fashionable.

Pomadno-red boots with the black platform sole from Chloe will dement lovers of power and extreme. The platform sole also has been noticed in Moschino, Cheap&Chic, Bally, Anna Molinari, Giambattista Valli, Mango, Givenchy and Gucci collections . To be the woman from head to foot – here is the law of the new season which you will like by all means. The main rule is the style is above all. And you will urely need magnificent footwear!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Pencil Skirt is The Hit Of This Season (Fall 2008)

In particular skirt shapes have been refreshed again, so the narrow trend seems new and modern. Tight and close fit skirts, high waist or low waist skirts are the hit of this season. The waist can be a focus of interest if you have a waist to show. Stratch or denim skirts, cottone, one-colour or many-coloured, striped, checkered or leopard print - whatever you want, the only condition is the pencil shape. The most fashioansble length is a little below the knees.

Hot Tip - 2008 Must-have - Pencil Skirts

In solid grey or black plaid, its form flattering silhouette gives your conservatibe wardrobe a smart and sexy edge. It is made comfortable with a back zipper and walking vent.

Close fit are always popular with women since they enable elegant movement. With time, whatever your age, the Fall of 08, is one you will probably recall as the Fall of elegance and sexuality in fashion trends.

Pencil Skirt Gallery (click the pic to enlarge)

The Way of Getting the Most Effective Diet

If diets don't work, try this one. It is proven to work. But remember, it's not a quick fix.

1. Count how many fruits, veggies, carbs, proteins, dairy products and sweets you eat every day. Thereto make a food log of what you eat on an avberage day.
2. Limit your caffeine intake; it decrease your metabolism making it harder to lose weight.
3. For the first 2 weeks, stop eating all sugary foods or desserts.
4. Increase your veggie, fruit and meat intake, these are the foods that give you the most vitamins and nutrients.
5. Limit the amount of carbs you are eating. Don't cut them out completely, they are important for your health.
6. Make sure you eat at least three meals and two snacks per day.
7. Limit your calorie intake to about 1500 calories every day.
8. Attempt to do some type of cardio activity three or more times per week. Make sure to get your heart rate above 120 for a sustained time of 20 minutes or even more.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Staying Healthy Burning Fat

1. Cut down on processed foods. Stick with all natural foods which have little added chemicals and preservatives. If you can not find it in nature think twice before you eat it.

2. Don't forget that fat is not as important as calories for controlling weight. Eat healthy poly-unsaturated and monounsaturated fats instead of saturated and Trans fat. The less, the better. You should not be eating more than twenty grams of saturated fat per day.

3. Eat more protein. Your body needs protein to support the muscle it has. Besides, muscle helps speed your metabolism since it requires 50 calories per day just to support a pound of muscle. Just make sure you are sticking with quality proteins such as lean fish, meats, and poultry. Whey and Soy Proteins are also good choices. Stay away from meats with high saturated fats.

4. Eat more. Yes , you cought me right. Instead of the three square meals a day, go for six micro meals to keep your metabolism geared up to burn and your insulin levels steady.

5. Control your portions by eating low energy-density foods. Foods such as fruits and vegetables have low energy density which make them less likely to be overeaten. They are also packed with nutrients such as vitamins and minerals which ensure your metabolism has the resources to do its job more efficiently.

6. Eat your protein at every meal. Spread it evenly throughout the day. This way your body is constantly using it for rebuilding all day long.

7. Limit your liquid intake. Drinks such as soda and fruit juices have tons of calories which can add up quickly without leaving you full. Switching to a diet soda can reduce the calories, but in order to become truly healthy, even these types of drinks should be avoided.

8. Do not cut out any one food group. You should be consuming protein, carbohydrates, and fat at every meal. This will keep you balanced.

9. Eat more fiber. By consuming at least thirty grams of fiber daily, you will feel fuller than you would by not eating the fiber. Fiber also helps out your health by latching on to LDL cholesterol and flushing it out of your system. Some good sources of fiber include vegetables (with the skin), fruits (with the skin), whole-grain breads, and high fiber cereals such as kashi and fiber one. One simple thing to boost fiber intake would be to eat an orange instead of drinking orange juice. It has less calories, more fiber and bound to make you feel more satisfied.

10. Drink more water. H20 is a major player in weight control. Besides being a major part of your body, water helps flush metabolic wastes keeping your metabolism charged. It also helps you feel fuller, helping you to eat less. Do not wait until you feel thirsty. Start by drinking at least a half-gallon of water per day. For active people, move up to a gallon every day.

11. Make some changes. While eating healthy is a good start, you are never going to reach your full potential for a leaner body unless you get active and start sleeping better. Aim for 7-8 hours per night more or less than that can have negative effects on your health.

12. Eat your complex grains early in the day and then stick with the water rich carbohydrates such as fruit in the evening. This has to do with the way insulin is secreted into the bloodstream.

13. Eat your meals slower. It takes about twenty minutes for your body to know when you are full. If you eat too quickly, you may have eaten too much before your body knows when the limit is reached.

14. Stay away from fast food, or at least do not eat it as often. It is a far healthier option to cook a nice meal at home.
15. Switch to lower glycemic foods.

16. Eat some fish. Fish, such as salmon, is rich in omega-3s, which is an essential fatty acid. This will help keep your heart healthy, and keep the bad fat out. Fatty fish such as salmon, halibut and shellfish help reduce the size of fat cells and help out with fat loss.

17. Exercises. This is essential if you want to burn fat!

18. Cut out all hydrogenated fats - trans fat - and high fructose corn syrup. Both are keeping you fat. They send signals to the brain telling you that you are not full even though you have eaten. This is why it is hard to drink three big glasses of water, but easy to down a two liter bottle of soda.

19. Do not starve yourself. While eating healthy is great, do not stress yourself out by not eating the foods you love some of the time. Have a piece of cake at the party. Share a beer or two at the bar. The key is moderation. Try not to overdo it and limit your cheats to once a week.

20. Be smart about what you eat.